I know it might seem like a daunting task, but removing wax from furniture is actually fairly easy. This article will give you some useful tips to remove wax and remove the residue that may be left behind after doing so. All of these methods are safe for your home or office, and they will remove all traces of your sticky situation in no time!
You may be asking yourself, “how do I remove wax from furniture?” There are several ways to remove the sticky substance. You can use an iron on low heat or a hair dryer on cooler air flow. However, both of these methods involve using either water or steam to remove it. So you will need to make sure that your piece of furniture is unvarnished and sealed beforehand so as not cause damage!
The most popular method for removing wax

Is by utilizing rubber gloves and dish soap/detergent along with rubbing alcohol (or similar). Simply mix together one part soap/detergent with two parts alcohol in a bowl until combined well, then apply directly onto the affected of the furnishing. You can use a sponge or soft rag to remove the majority of wax, but you will most likely need something with more abrasive power in order remove any remaining particles. A metal scrubbing pad works best for this task!
Be sure not to over-saturate your furniture because that can lead to damage. However, if water does get into the wood grain when removing the wax it is okay as long as you are quick about drying up wooden surfaces. After completing these steps be sure they all dry properly before beginning another project on top of them, and then enjoy your refreshed piece of furniture!
Tips Remove Wax from Furniture
- Do not use water or steam when removing the sticky substance.
- Use rubber gloves and dish soap/detergent along with rubbing alcohol (or similar) to remove residue after wax is dissolved.
- Be sure that your furniture is unvarnished before you attempt this process, as too much moisture will cause damage! Use a metal scrubbing pad to remove any leftover particles of wax on wooden surfaces if need be.
- Make sure all products are completely dry before doing anything else on top of them; otherwise they can become damaged by additional objects placed atop them while still wet.
- Ensure proper drying time for each surface once removed from liquids used in cleaning processes prior beginning another project upon dried.
The most popular method for removing wax is by utilizing rubber gloves and dish soap/detergent along with rubbing alcohol (or similar). Simply mix together one part soap/detergent with two parts alcohol in a bowl until combined well, then apply directly onto the affected of furnishing. You can use a sponge or soft rag to remove majority of wax, but you will need something more abrasive power in order remove any remaining particles.
A metal scrubbing pad works best for this task! After completing these steps be sure they all dry properly before beginning another project on top, enjoy your refreshed piece of furniture! Remove Wax from Furniture Do not use water or steam removing the sticky substance.